(last updated Jan 5, 2024)


Professor of English, Weber State University (Ogden, UT), 2020 – present.

Affiliate Faculty, Film Program, Weber State University, 2023-present.

Associate Professor of English, Weber State University (Ogden, UT), 2015 – 2020.

Assistant Professor of English, Weber State University (Ogden, UT), 2011 – 2015.

Assistant Professor of English, Piedmont College (Demorest, GA), 2007 – 2011.

Robert E. Park Fellow, University of Georgia (Athens, GA), 2006 – 2007.


University of Georgia – Athens, GA

Ph.D. English (Creative Writing), May 2006

Dissertation: Borrowed Horses, a novel

Committee: Judith Ortiz Cofer and Reginald McKnight (major professors), Richard Menke, and Roxanne Eberle

M.A.    English (Creative Writing), May 2002

Thesis: Kicking Chekhov: a collection of fiction and non-fiction

Committee:  Judith Ortiz Cofer (major professor), Terry Hummer, and Richard Menke

University of Idaho – Moscow, ID

B.A.     English (Creative Writing), May 1995

            Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society

Book Publications

Mongol Derby. [under review]

The Sum of Her Parts: Essays. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2022.

Scrapple. Pittsburgh, PA: Braddock Avenue Press, 2020.  

The Drum, Like the Heart, Keeps Faulty Time. Durham, NC: Bull City Press, 2020.

Borrowed Horses: A Novel. Moorhead, MN: New Rivers Press, 2013.

Creative Journal Publications

“The End” (fiction), Funicular Magazine [forthcoming]

“The Win-Loss Columns” (short story), Colorado Review (Fall/Winter 2021): 51-71.

“Writing Boudica” (personal essay), Miracle Monocle Fall 2020. https://louisville.edu/miraclemonocle/issue-15/sian-griffiths

“Writers’ Guidelines, Part Deux” (hybrid), co-authored with Aaron Burch and Dave Housley, HAD, https://www.havehashad.com/hadposts/writers-guidelines-part-deux

“Writers’ Guidelines” (hybrid), co-authored with Aaron Burch and Dave Housley, HAD, https://www.havehashad.com/hadposts/writers-guidelines

“Body” (poem), Atlanta Review (Spring/Summer 2020): 19-20.

“My First Name” (creative nonfiction), Hobart. https://www.hobartpulp.com/web_features/my-first-name

“I Am Woman” (creative nonfiction), March Badness http://marchxness.com/#/sweet16-reddyvstennille/

“Shore Acres” (creative nonfiction), Pidgeonholes http://pidgeonholes.com/2020/04/shore-acres/

“The World Within, the World Without” (creative nonfiction), Juked (Spring 2020): 63-72.

“California, or Something to Do with the West” (poetry), Epoch (Fall 2019): 362.

“Ankle” (creative nonfiction), Pithead Chapel https://pitheadchapel.com/ankle/

 “Idaho, 1994” (creative nonfiction), 7x7 Special Issue: Legislating Bodies http://7x7.la/conversation/legislating-bodies/#sian-griffiths

“Wonder Woman” (creative nonfiction), Jellyfish Review https://jellyfishreview.wordpress.com/2019/09/09/wonder-woman-by-sian-griffiths/

“Evening: Super Bowl XLVIII” (creative nonfiction), Hobart http://www.hobartpulp.com/web_features/an-evening-super-bowl-xlviii

“Taking It to the Logo” (creative nonfiction), Booth https://booth.butler.edu/2019/10/04/taking-it-to-the-logo/

“Imaginary Number” (fiction), Monkeybicycle http://monkeybicycle.net/an-imaginary-number/

“You Were Raised by a Dragon” (fiction), Mid-American Review (Winter 2019): 38-9.

 “Correction” (creative nonfiction), Riverteeth https://www.riverteethjournal.com/blog/2018/11/05/correction

“Everyone Fails” (fiction), Lost Balloon https://lost-balloon.com/2018/10/24/everyone-fails-by-sian-griffiths/

“The Gun the Won the West” (creative nonfiction), Prairie Schooner (Fall 2018): 56-68.

“A Sacrifice of Bad Men” (hybrid), Barrelhouse Special Issue: The Fall of Men https://www.barrelhousemag.com/onlinelit/2018/9/27/the-sacrifice-of-bad-men

 “Scrapple” (novel fragment), Embark (Winter 2018) https://embarkliteraryjournal.com/issues/issue-3-january-2018/

“Scones: A Recipe” (creative nonfiction) Cincinnati Review blog (Winter 2018) https://www.cincinnatireview.com/contributor/scones-a-recipe-from-sian-griffiths/

“Cunt” (creative nonfiction), Indiana Review (Winter 2018): 117-30.

“Wooden Spoons” (fiction), Cincinnati Review (Winter 2018): 54-70.

“Horse” (ekphrastic hybrid), 7x7 http://7x7.la/horse/   

“The Key Bearer’s Parents” (fiction), American Short Fiction. http://americanshortfiction.org/2017/01/03/the-key-bearers-parents/

“Tuco & Blondie” and “Bonnie, Once Raven” (poems), Unsplendid (Winter 2017) http://www.unsplendid.com/6/6-3/6-3_frames.htm

 “Clockwork Girl at the Opera” (fiction), The Baltimore Review (Fall 2016) http://baltimorereview.org/index.php/fall_2016/contributor/sian-griffiths

“The Only Girl in the Known Universe” (creative nonfiction), Change Seven (guest feature, Summer 2016) https://changesevenmag.com/2016/07/06/the-only-girl-in-the-known-universe-by-sian-griffiths/

“Idaho” (fiction), Redivider (Summer 2016): 34-5.

“Slippers” (fiction), Permafrost (Winter 2016): 150-158.

“Nakedness” (creative nonfiction), So to Speak (Spring 2016) http://sotospeakjournal.org/nakedness/

“Clowns” (fiction), Iron Horse Literary Review Photo Finish (2015): 5. http://issuu.com/ironhorsereview/docs/ihlr_photo_finish_2015_final_single?e=7943022/31982462

“Sk8r” (fiction), Georgia Review (Fall 2015): 412-428.

“The Most Natural Thing in the World” (fiction), Fifth Wednesday Journal (Fall 2014): 186-94.

“Damage: The Soul-Crushing Science of High-End Bra Shopping” (creative nonfiction), The Rumpus http://therumpus.net/2014/10/damage-the-soul-crushing-science-of-high-end-bra-shopping/

“Dislocated” (creative nonfiction), Mary: A Journal of New Writing (Summer 2012). http://maryajournalofnewwriting.wordpress.com/nonfiction/sian-b-griffiths/

“Pearls” (fiction), Waccamaw (Fall 2011) http://www.waccamawjournal.com/pages.html?x=358

“The Chicago Art Institute: A Guided Tour” (poetry), Timber.

“The Love of Reindeer” (poetry), Versal (2010): 6.

“Proud Flesh” (poetry), Cave Wall (Summer/Fall 2009): 44-45.

“Bread” (creative nonfiction), Oregon Literary Review (Summer 2009). http://orelitrev.startlogic.com/v4n2/OLR-griffiths.htm

“Two Mermaids” (poetry), The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review (Winter 2009): 8.

“My daughter, four, confronts an autumn window and all its contradictions” (poetry), Literary Mama http://www.literarymama.com/poetry/archives/2009/07/my-daughter-four.html   

“Persistence of Geese” (poetry), Permafrost (Spring 2008): 42-3.

“Coming Home” (novel excerpt from Borrowed Horses), Mangrove Review (Spring 2008).

“What Is Solid.” (fiction), Versal (2007): 77.

“Fistful” (poetry), Ninth Letter (Fall/Winter 2007): 45.

“Building Tall” (fiction), Clackamas Literary Review (2007): 114.

“Paper Hats” (fiction), Quarterly West (Spring/Summer 2006): 85.

“Somewhere in the Sawtooths.  June.” (poetry), Court Green (2006): 97.

“Why I’m Not Pretty” (creative nonfiction), The River Oak Review (Fall 2004): 26-33.

“What the Scorpions Know” (creative nonfiction), Riverteeth, a Journal of Nonfiction Narrative (Spring 2004): 75-76.

Other Selected Publications

“Agents and Writers: When the Affair Is Over” (article). Poets & Writers (Sept/Oct 2022): 33-39.

“The Flaws We Share: An Interview with Siân Griffiths” (interview). Whale Road Review (Winter 2020): http://www.whaleroadreview.com/sian-griffiths/

“Kicking off the Fall Season: Siân Griffiths and Katharine Hill Talk about their football novels” (co-interview), Barrelhouse https://www.barrelhousemag.com/onlinelit/2020/09/griffiths-hill-interview

“The Short of It: An Interview with Siân Griffiths” (interview), JMWW https://jmwwblog.wordpress.com/2020/08/03/the-short-of-it-an-interview-with-sian-griffiths-by-jeffrey-condran/  

“Oh You!: A Taxonomy of the Second Person” (craft essay), Waxwing Literary Journal http://waxwingmag.org/items/issue21/66_Griffiths-Oh-You-A-Taxonomy-of-the-Second-Person.php

“If Scrapple Were…” (hybrid marketing essay), Monkeybicycle http://monkeybicycle.net/if-my-book-scrapple-sian-griffiths/

“If My Heart Keeps Faulty Time Were…” (hybrid marketing essay), Monkeybicycle http://monkeybicycle.net/if-my-book-the-heart-keeps-faulty-time-sian-griffiths/

“Writing Delight” (writing lesson), Barrelhouse’s Write-In: 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic https://www.barrelhousemag.com/news-and-updates/2020/3/14/barrelhouse-launches-the-spring-2020-read-in-and-write-in

“Riding a Corner: Barrelhousing With Siân Griffiths” (interview) Barrelhouse https://www.barrelhousemag.com/onlinelit/barrelhousingwithsiangriffiths

“Teaching the Pen Breakers” (pedagogical essay), Assay https://assayjournal.wordpress.com/2019/02/11/teaching-the-pen-breakers-on-joann-beards-fourth-state-of-matter-sian-griffiths/

“Off from the Center Like Horses: Structuring Short Story Collections” (craft essay), AWP’s The Writer’s Notebook, https://www.awpwriter.org/magazine_media/writers_notebook_view/57/off_from_the_center_like_horses_structuring_short_story_collections

“An Interview with Siân Griffiths” (interview), Read to Write Stories, https://readtowritestories.com/2017/03/02/an-interview-with-sian-griffiths/

“Web Exclusive Interview: Siân Griffiths” (interview), American Short Fiction. January 2017. http://americanshortfiction.org/2017/01/23/web-exclusive-interview-sian-griffiths/

“An Interview with Amina Gautier” (interview), Necessary Fiction,  http://necessaryfiction.com/blog/AninterviewwithAminaGautier

“The Time of My Life: A Writer Camp Review” (review), Barrelhouse, http://www.barrelhousemag.com/blogall/2016/8/6/writercamp-review-by-sian-griffiths

“Tea and Windows: An Expansive Look at Literary Fiction” (craft essay), AWP’s The Writer’s Notebook https://www.awpwriter.org/magazine_media/writers_notebook_view/42/tea_and_windows_an_expansive_view_of_literary_fiction

“The Unshakeable Image: A Conversation with Siân Griffiths” (interview). The Georgia Review, http://garev.uga.edu/blog/griffithsinterview.html

“Book Brief” on Now We Will Be Happy (book review), The Georgia Review (Summer 2015): 315.

“Work Horse: An Interview with Siân Griffiths, author of Borrowed Horses.” Braddock Avenue Books Street Talk Series, http://www.braddockavenuebooks.com/street-talk/post/work-horse-interview-si%C3%A2n-griffiths-author-borrowed-horses

Review of Unaccompanied Minors (book review), Necessary Fiction. http://necessaryfiction.com/reviews/UnaccompaniedMinorsbyAldenJones

Review of The Weight of Blood (book review), The Rumpus, http://therumpus.net/2014/04/the-weight-of-blood-by-laura-mchugh/

“The Many Hats of Jeffrey Condran” (interview), Necessary Fiction, http://necessaryfiction.com/blog/ShortStoryWriterNovelistProfessorEditorTheManyHatsofJeffreyCondran

“Book Brief” on Eric Sasson’s Margins of Tolerance (book review), The Georgia Review (Summer 2013): 369.

“Review of Amina Gautier’s At Risk” (book review), The Iowa Review online, http://iowareview.uiowa.edu/?q=reviews/nov-21-2012/amina_gautiers_at_risk

“Writing the Trans-Genre Novel: An Interview with Pam Houston” (interview), Weber: The Contemporary West (Fall 2013). 24-35.

“Book Brief” on Dan Albergotti’s The Boatloads (book review), The Georgia Review (Winter 2009): 722.

“Invented Cities: Creating Place-Informed Characters” (pedagogy paper), The Best of the AWP Pedagogy Papers 2009, http://www.awpwriter.org/pdf/2009BestofPed .pdf: 12.

“Dissolving Pearls: Charlotte Brontë’s Textual Hieroglyphs” (article), Women’s Writing (2007): 49-69.

“Book Brief” on Rebecca Solnit’s A Field Guide to Getting Lost (book review), The Georgia Review (Spring 2006): 256-57.

“Book Brief” on Dennis Covington’s Redneck Riviera: Armadillos, Outlaws, and the Demise of an American Dream (book review), The Georgia Review (Fall 2005): 730-31.

Anthology Reprints

“Dressage” (craft essay). How to Write a Novel: A Craft Anthology. Ed. Aaron Burch. Autofocus Lit. 45-48.

“Imaginary Number.” Best Microfiction 2020. Pelekinesis Books.

“The Key Bearer’s Parents.” Teacher Voice. Malarkey Books.

“Sk8r.” This Side of the Divide. Reno, NV: Baobab Press.

 “Sk8r.” bonfire(s): an anthology of place writing. Ball State University. https://bonfireslit.com/2018/04/27/sian-griffiths-sk8r/

“The Most Natural Thing in the World.” Helicon West Anthology: A Ten-Year Celebration. Ed. Star Coulbrooke and Tim Keller. Logan, UT: Helicon West Press.

“Fistful.” Bite-Sized Poetry. Literary Arts, Utah Division of Arts and Museums. September 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3THCmhMCANo   

“Fistful,” “Persistence of Geese,” and “Proud Flesh” (poems), The Southern Poetry Anthology, Vol. V: Georgia, Ed. William Wright. Huntsville, TX: Texas Review Press.

“Fistful” (poem), Imaginative Writing 3rd ed., Ed. Janet Burroway.  New York: Penguin.

Film Consulting

Screenplay consultant. The Year of the Fox. Feature film. Written by Eliza Flug. Starring Sarah Jeffery and Jane Adams. Premiered at 2023 Seattle International Film Festival.

Film consultant. Outside In. Feature film. Written and directed by Lynn Shelton. Starring Edie Falco and Jay Duplass. Premiered at 2017 Toronto International Film Festival.

Screenplay consultant. The Night Stalker. Feature film. Written and directed by Megan Griffiths. Starring Lou Diamond Philips. Premiered at The Frida Cinema, Santa Ana, CA.

Screenplay consultant. Lucky Them. Feature film. Written by Huck Botko and Emily Wachtel. Directed by Megan Griffiths. Starring Toni Collette, Thomas Haden Church, and Oliver Platt. Premiered at 2013 Toronto International Film Festival.

Screenplay consultant. Eden. Feature film. Written by Megan Griffiths and Richard B. Phillips. Directed by Megan Griffiths. Starring Jamie Chung and Beau Bridges. Premiered at 2012 South By Southwest Film Festival. Winner of SxSW Audience Award.

Screenplay consultant. The Off Hours. Feature film. Written and directed by Megan Griffiths. Starring Amy Seimetz, Ross Partridge, and Scoot McNairy. Premiered at 2011 Sundance Film Festival.

Awards & Honors

Scholar. Tennessee Williams Scholarship. Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2022.

Notable. Best American Essays 2021 for “The World Within, the World Without” published in and nominated by Juked.

Finalist. Spark Award – Writing Category. Heels Down Magazine 2021.

First Alternate. Tennessee Williams Scholarship. Sewanee Writers’ Conference 2021.

Nominee: Pushcart Prize 2020 for “The World Within, the World Without” published in and nominated by Juked.

Sweet Sixteen. March Xness 2020 for “I Am Woman.” http://marchxness.com/#/sweet16-reddyvstennille/

Nominee: Pushcart Prize 2020 for “Taking It to the Logo” published by Booth, nominated by Paul Crenshaw.

Nominee: Best Microfictions 2019 for “Imaginary Number,” published in Monkeybicycle.

Nominee: Best of the Net 2019 for “Everyone Fails,” published in Lost Balloon.

Long list: Wigleaf Top 50 Stories 2019, “A Sacrifice of Bad Men,” published in Barrelhouse special issue: The Fall of Men.

Runner Up: 2018 Fineline Competition, Mid-American Review, “Your Mother Was a Dragon”

Semi-Finalist: Black Lawrence Press Chapbook Competition 2018

Nominee: Crystal Crest Master Teacher Award 2016

Nominee: Pushcart Prize 2016 for “Sk8r” published in and nominated by Georgia Review.

2nd Place: “Clowns” PhotoFinish 2015, Iron Horse Literary Review.

Nominee: 2015 H. Aldous Dixon Award for Outstanding Faculty Member

Nominee: 2015 Crystal Crest Master Teacher Award

Semi-Finalist: 2014 Virginia Commonwealth University First Novelist Award

Nominee: 2014 H. Aldous Dixon Award for Outstanding Faculty Member

Winner: Marketing Award in College of Arts and Humanities 2013

Nominee: 2013 Crystal Crest Master Teacher Award

Eccles Honors Fellowship Award 2012-13

Nominee: Pushcart Prize 2007 for “What Is Solid” published in and nominated by Versal.

1st Place in Fiction: Borrowed Horses, 2007 Sanibel Island Writers Conference Contest

3rd Place in Novel: Borrowed Horses, 2007 Sandhills Writing Conference

Winner: Robert E. Park Fellowship Award, 2006-07

Winner: 2006 Robert H. West Scholar Award (outstanding graduate student, Department of English, University of Georgia)

Winner: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of Georgia, 2006

Teaching Experience

Weber State University: Master of Arts

21st Century American Short Stories

Creative Writing: Prose Forms

Novel Writing


Special Topic: Inventing the West

Victorian Literature

Writing Creative Nonfiction

Writing Short Fiction


Weber State University: Undergraduate

Advanced Creative Nonfiction

Advanced Fiction Writing

Advanced Poetry Writing

Advanced Screenwriting

Contemporary Literature for Creative Writers

Creative Writing: Senior Projects

CW Forms and Craft: Novel Writing

CW Forms and Craft: Screenwriting

CW Forms and Craft: Writing Flash Fiction

Intermediate College Writing

Introduction to College Writing

Introduction to Creative Writing

Introduction to Writing Short Fiction

Make Your Movie: Introduction to Film Production

Studies in Genre: Writing Speculative Fiction


Piedmont College

20th Century American Literature

Creative Nonfiction Writing

Creative Writing Methods for English Teachers

English Composition and Literature I

English Composition and Literature II

English Literature from 1790

Fiction Writing

Multicultural American Literature

Publication Workshop

U.S. Literature from 1865

Victorian Literature


University of Georgia

20th Century American Novel

Advanced Fiction Writing

Composition I

Composition II

English Literature Since 1700

Honors Introduction to Creative Writing

Introduction to Creative Writing

Multicultural English Composition

Editorial Experience

Guest Editor, HAD, October 2020.

Assistant Web Editor, American Short Fiction, Summer 2019-October 2022.

Assistant Editor, Fiction, Barrelhouse, Spring 2016-present.

Assistant Editor, Fiction, Fifth Wednesday Journal, Fall 2014-Summer 2016.

Faculty Advisor, Fiction, Aelurus (Weber State University graduate literary journal), 2011-12, 2015-16.

Faculty Advisor, Creative Nonfiction, Aelurus (Weber State University graduate literary journal), 2012-13.

Editor, Trillium: Piedmont College’s Literary and Arts Journal, Spring 2008-2011.

Graduate Editorial Assistant, Georgia Review, Fall 2004-Summer 2005.

Conference Participation

“Excerpt from Mongol Derby” (novel excerpt) Sewanee Writers’ Conference, Jess Walter Fiction section, Sewanee, TN, July 19-31, 2022.

“Laying Out the Welcome Mat: Your Fiction’s First Page” (invited talk) Conversations and Connections, Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 20, 2018.

“Writ Large: Expansion in the Short Story” (panel presentation with Caitlin Horrocks, Marie-Helene Bertino, Eric Sasson, and Diane Cook) Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference, Tampa, FL. March 10, 2018.

“I Survived—and Thrived: Conference Veterans Discuss the Benefits and Drawbacks of Writing Conferences” (panel presentation with Eric Sasson, Amina Gautier, Todd Kaneko, and Rosebud Ben-Oni) Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference, Washington, DC. Feb. 10, 2017.

“Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Organizing and Structuring Story Collections.” (panel presentation with Michael Martone, Benjamin Hale, Marie-Helene Bertino, and Julia Elliott) Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference, Washington, DC. Feb. 10, 2017.

“Easy A’s and Epic Fails: Grading the Creative Writer” (panel presentation with Michael Martone, Melanie Rae Thon, Katherine Coles, and Joshua Robbins) Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference, Los Angeles, CA. April 2, 2016.

“Silence and Interruption: Advanced Tips for Writing Dialogue” (invited talk) League of Utah Writers Conference, Logan, UT. August 29, 2015.

“Beyond Backdrop: Using Setting to Enhance Character and Conflict” (invited talk) League of Utah Writers Conference, Logan, UT. August 29, 2015.

“My Book Is Published—Now What?” (panel discussion with Owen Egerton, Dean Wesley Smith, and Christopher Loke). League of Utah Writers Conference, Logan, UT. August 29, 2015.

“sk8r” (short story) Tin House Summer Writing Workshop, Antonya Nelson short fiction session, Portland, OR. July 13-19, 2014.

“New Brighton” (novel excerpt) Writers @ Work, John DuFresne fiction session, Alta, UT. June 5-9, 2013.

The Chum (novel excerpt) Sewanee Writers’ Conference, John Casey fiction session, Sewanee, TN. July 24-August 5, 2012.

“Invented Cities: Creating Place-Informed Characters” (pedagogy forum) Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference, Chicago, IL. February 12-15, 2009.

“Legacy of the Lunatic: Jane Eyre and Aurora Leigh” (conference talk) British Women Writers Conference, Bloomington, IN. March 27-30, 2008.

Borrowed Horses” (novel excerpt) Sandhills Writing Conference, Augusta, GA. March 22-25, 2007.

“Dissolving Pearls: Charlotte Brontë’s Textual Hieroglyphs” (conference talk) 14th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth- Century British Women Writers Conference, Gainesville, FL. March 23-26, 2006.

“Locating Women’s Value: The Marketplace Without, The Marketplace Within” (conference talk) Negotiating 19th Century Spaces Conference, Columbia, SC. March 11-12, 2005.

“’White Godiva’: Sylvia Plath’s Unpeeling of Self” (conference talk) (Dis)locating Identity in Twentieth Century Literature, An International Conference, Columbia, SC. April 3, 2004.

“Transports: Jane Austen’s Use of Horse and Carriage to Imagine Gender Relationships” (conference talk) 12th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth- Century British Women Writers Conference, Athens, GA. March 26, 2004.

Selected Readings, Lectures, and Presentations

Invited Lecturer. ENG 425: Writing About Joy (Creative Nonfiction), Aaron Burch. University of Michigan. Sept 7, 2023.

Invited Reader. “The Key-Bearer’s Parents.” Monster Mags of the Midwest Reading. Association of Writers and Writing Conferences. San Antonio, TX, March 4, 2020.

Invited Reader. “Sk8r.” Nevada Lit Crawl. Reno, Nevada. September 14, 2019.

Presenter, “Your Novel’s First Page,” Local Authors and You, Salt Lake City County Library, November 4, 2017.

Invited Reader, Dixie State University, St. George, UT, March 7, 2017.

Featured Reader, City Arts Reading Series, Salt Lake City, UT, September 14, 2016.

Featured Reader, Helicon West Anthology Launch Party, Logan, UT, September 8, 2016.

Featured Reader, Faculty Reading, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah. February 11, 2016.

Interviewer, “Writers In Conversation: Siân Griffiths and BK Loren.” Utah Humanities Council Book Festival, Main Library, Salt Lake City, UT. September 27, 2014.

Invited Reader, Dixie State University, St. George, UT. March 27, 2014.

Guest Reader, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. Jan. 16, 2014.

Featured Reader, Helicon West, Logan, UT. Dec. 12, 2013.

Featured Reader, City Art Reading Series, Salt Lake City, UT. Dec. 4, 2013.

Guest Lecture: Fiction Writing and Revision, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT. Nov. 19, 2013.

Featured Reader, Utah Valley University, Orem, UT. Nov. 19, 2013.

Featured Reader, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. Nov. 9, 2013.

Guest Lecture: The Editor-Author Relationship, Minnesota State University, Moorhead, MN. Nov. 7, 2013.

Guest Lecture: Publishing Your Novel, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN. Nov. 7, 2013.

Featured Reader, New Rivers Press Book Launch, Moorhead, MN. Nov. 7, 2013.

Featured Reader, Utah Humanities Council Book Fest, The King’s English, Salt Lake City, UT. Oct. 11, 2013.

Featured Reader (with Melanie Rae Thon), City Art Reading Series, Salt Lake City, UT. December 5, 2012.

Featured Reader (with Dorine Preston), University of Georgia Maymester Summer Writing Institute, Athens, GA. May 24, 2005.

Reader (with Danielle Pafunda, Kirsten Kaschock, and Jack Christian), The Vox Reading Series at Flicker, Athens, GA. April 13, 2005.

Master of Arts Thesis Committees

Chair. Brook Albretson. “Dreams in Eternal Sunset” (novel fragment). Defended Dec. 7, 2023.

Chair. William Maxfield. Endurance (hypertext novel). Defended August 2, 2023.

Member. Bailey Quinn. “Gaze of the Ghost” (poetry collection). Defended August 2, 2023.

Chair. James LaFazia. “A Grimm Form for Fairy Tales” (short stories). Defended Apr 21, 2023.

Member. Miranda Rawson. “Super Nanny Certified” (professional/technical writing). Defended Apr 20, 2023.

Chair. Hannah Brooks. “The Many Faces of Leonora” (novel fragment). Defended Feb 3, 2023.

Chair. Jordan Wise. “The Star Room” (novel fragment). Defended Dec 8, 2022.

Chair. Phillip Merrill. “A Brief History of Houlgreave Hill” (novel fragment). Defended Aug. 4, 2022.

Chair. Blakely Page. “Fortune Teller” (novel fragment). Defended Apr. 19, 2022.

Member. Nicholas Kelson Packer. “Fast Food Magic” (novel fragment). Defended Apr. 25, 2022.

Chair. Kelly Hart. “Bruce” (memoir/biography fragment). Defended Dec. 9, 2021.

Chair. Maxx Chan. “Dragon Pox” (novel fragment). Defended April 16, 2019.

Member. Alexander Sanders. “City of Woe” (novel fragment). Defended April 16, 2019.

Member. Amy Kees. “Fathoms Call” (novel fragment). Defended August 20, 2018.

Chair. Natalie Martin. “The Void” (novel fragment). Defended April 19, 2018.

Chair. Sean Jenkins. “The Nursery” (novel fragment). Defended April 18, 2018.

Chair. Megan Leonardi. “The Gentile’s Place” (novel fragment). Defended April 17, 2018.

Chair. Loreen Noriari. “Hell Fire” (story). Defended December 1, 2017.

Chair. Erin Seaward-Hiatt. “Moth Wings” (novel fragment). Defended April 24, 2017.

Member. Michelle Morse. “Wondering if There’s Life Out There” (personal essays). Defended April 24, 2017.

Member. Lori Hadley. “Cassie” (novel fragment). Defended Apr. 21, 2017.

Member. Brooke Ipson. “Some Unseen Director’s Voice” (personal essay collection). Defended April 26, 2016.

Member. Brandon Dominguez. “Ash” (poetry collection). Defended April 13, 2016.

Member. Allyn Bernkopf. “How I Met My Rapist” (poetry collection). Defended April 15, 2016.

Member. Jessica Richards. “Protracted Guise of Decency: Victorian Detection and the Recognition of Evil” (literary criticism). Defended August 24, 2015.

Chair. Brian Fendrick. “The Late Shift” (short story collection). Defended April 27, 2015.

Chair. DB Troester. “Disciples and Other Stories” (short story collection). Defended April 23, 2015.

Member. Leslie Thompson. “A Spiritual Journey Through Literature.” (essay collection). Defended April 9, 2013.

Member. Megan Anderson. The Colony (full novel manuscript). Defended April 4, 2012.


External Reviewer.  Leah McCormack. Tenure and promotion. University of South Dakota. Fall 2023.

Judge. Mayhew Essay Contest. Brigham Young University. Spring 2023.

Committee Chair. Hiring Committee: Film Studies. Fall 2022-Spring 2023.

Committee Member. English Department Recruitment and Retention Committee. Fall 2022-present.

Screener. AWP Award Series, Novel Prize. Spring 2023.

Fiction Judge. Weber State University Writing Contest, 2022.

Chair. Tenure and Promotion Committee. Fall 2021- Spring 22.

Committee Member. College Success Team, Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts and Humanities. Spring 2022.

Fiction Judge. Utah Valley University Touchstones Literary Contest. 2021.

Judge. Weber State University Prose Writing Contest, 2020, 2021.

Judge. Fractured Lit MicroFiction Contest, 2021.

Committee Member. Creative Writing Committee. Fall 2011-Spring 2013, Fall 2018-present.

Sub-Committee Chair. ASSA Charge Four: Faculty Rights and Due Process. Fall 2019-2020.

Sub-Committee Member. ASSA Charge Seven: Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct. Fall 2019-2020.

Judge. Fiction Chapbook Contest, Salt Lake Community College. Winter 2019.

Novel Manuscript Reviewer. University of Nevada Press. Fall 2019.

Volunteer transcriptionist. Other Ppl podcast. Brad Listi with Tom McAllister. Episode #450. Recorded January 25, 2017. Transcribed June 2019.

Editorial Fellow, Fiction. Barrelhouse Writer Camp. Summer 2019.

Director. Master of Arts, English Program. Summer 2018-Summer 2019.

Committee Chair. MENG Steering Committee. Summer 2018-Summer 2019.

Committee Member. Admissions Standards and Student Affairs. Fall 2018-2020.

Editorial Fellow, Fiction. Barrelhouse Writer Camp. Summer 2018.

Committee Member. Graduate Council. Fall 2018-Spring 2019.

Committee Member. Rank & Tenure Evaluation Committee, English Department, Fall 2018-Spring 2019.

Director. Creative Writing Program. Fall 2013-Spring 2018.

Committee Chair. Creative Writing Committee. Fall 2013-Spring 2018

Committee Chair. Hiring Committee: Assistant Professor of English, Fiction and Nonfiction Writing. Fall 2017-Spring 2018.

Judge. Ogden Pride Poetry Contest. July 30, 2016.

Editorial Fellow, Fiction. Barrelhouse-Hobart Writer Camp. Summer 2016.

Screener. AWP Award Series, Novel Prize. Spring 2016.

Committee Member. Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee. Fall 2015-Spring 2017.

Committee Chair. Hiring Committee: Assistant Professor of English, Fiction Writing. Fall 2015-Spring 2016.

Committee Chair. Hiring Committee: Instructor, Fiction Writing. Summer 2015.

Committee Member. Micro-Aggressions and Diversity Discussion Group. Spring 2015.

Evaluator. Lindquist Faculty Fellowship applications. Spring 2015.

Evaluator. Honors Eccles Fellowship applications. Fall 2014.

Committee Chair. Weber State Block Party Planning Committee, Fall 2013.

Judge. Gulf Coast Association of Creative Writing Teachers Student Writing Contest, http://www.gcacwt.com/, Fiction. Spring 2013 and Spring 2014.

Judge. Touchstones Writing Contest, Utah Valley University, Poetry. Spring 2014.

Judge. Southern Literary Festival Writing Contest, http://www.southernliteraryfestival.com/, Fiction. Spring 2013.

Committee Member. General Education Creative Arts Subcommittee. Spring 2013-present.

Committee Chair. Hiring Committee: Assistant Professor of English, Poetry Writing. Fall 2012-Spring 2013.

Committee Member. English Advisory Committee. Fall 2012-Spring 2017.

Committee Member. English Curriculum Committee. Fall 2012-Spring 2013.

Committee Member. English Faculty Development Committee. Fall 2012-Spring 2013.

Committee Member. Undergraduate Research Grant Committee. Fall 2011-Spring 2013.

Committee Member. Master of English Admissions Committee. Fall 2011-Spring 2012.

Committee Member. Hiring Committee: Instructor, Poetry Writing and Composition. Spring 2012-Summer 2012.

Committee Member. Hiring Committee: Assistant Professor of English, New Media and Digital Humanities. Fall 2011-Spring 2012.

Committee Member. Student Athlete Equity Committee. Fall 2011.

Abstract Evaluator, National Council of Undergraduate Research Conference. Fall 2011.

Director. PC 101: Introduction to College Life and the Liberal Arts program at Demorest and Athens campuses of Piedmont College. Summer 2010-present.

Committee Member.  Quality Enhancement Committee for the Athens Campus of Piedmont College. Fall 2009-present.

Judge.  Chattahoochee Valley Community College Fiction Writing Contest. Spring 2005.

Organizer.  Graduate Student Readings, UGA Maymester Summer Writing Institute. May 16-27, 2005.

Organizer. Terry Hummer Poetry Reading.  University of Georgia, Athens. April 26, 2005.

Organizer, Moderator, and Panelist. “English Graduate Organization Panel Discussion: Preparing for and Taking the Comprehensive Examination.”  University of Georgia, Athens.  April 5, 2005.

Vice President. University of Georgia English Graduate Organization. Fall 2004-Spring 2005.

Vice President and Founding Member. University of Georgia Nineteenth Century Reading Group. Fall 2004-Spring 2005.

Committee Member.  1102 Final Exam Committee, University of Georgia, Athens. Fall 2003.

Judge.  Chattahoochee Valley Community College Fiction Writing Contest. Fall 2002.

Books Blurbed

Aaron Burch, A Kind of In-Between

Sarah Anne Strickley, Incendiary Devices

Chelsea Stickle, Everything’s Changing

Eric Sasson, Admissions

Professional Memberships

Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP), 2001-2008, 2011-present.

Academy of American Poets, 2016-2018.

Modern Language Association (MLA), 2004-2008.

British Women Writers Association (BWWA), 2005-2009.